
Mediation is a flexible, more formal (compared to negotiation and facilitation), effective and inexpensive way (compared to arbitration and litigation) of resolving your dispute, and importantly, can avoid the situation getting worse.

If you and the other party choose to resolve your dispute via mediation, we can manage the mediation process for you.

During a short preparation stage we will meet with both parties individually and separately to be introduced to the people and issues in the dispute and to receive any supporting background information.  After the preparation stage, we will arrange a mediation day.   

On the mediation day itself we will support both parties fairly and equally to explore the respective issues, understand each others interests, needs and concerns and develop possible solutions, options and offers to address the issues in dispute. 


We will help each party understand and weigh up the pro’s and con’s of each option and offer (and how it might be received by the other party) and will support each party through the trading offers and the bargaining process.


During the mediation day the parties will spend some time together in the same room and some time apart in separate rooms, with us providing a mediation ‘shuttle service’ between you and the other party to exchange possible options and offers. 

By choosing mediation to resolve your disagreement or dispute there remains the possibility that your current and future business or workplace relationship remains intact, if that is what you and the other party choose. 

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